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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

On album art

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As songs become easier to get ungrouped from the whole album, the notion of "Album Art" becomes less meaningful and relevant. I hope we can start seeing "Song Art" more and more now.

Nine Inch Nails' The Slip does this by-the-way.

Media queries?

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CSS media queries are all great and all, until you have to deal with scrollbar widths. ugg.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fixing screen resize for linux in VMWare

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If the screen stops resizing when running Linux under VMWare, check the following:
  • VMWare tools are installed, configured and running.

  • Virtual Machine Settings for Display are set to Use host setting for monitors

  • Check that Xorg is able to load the needed modules

    Search /var/log/Xorg.0.log for possible issues with VMWare, i.e. grep "vmware" -A 5 -B 5 < Xorg.0.log. Such issues could include being unable to load require modules such as vmwgfx or vmwlegacy

    If there are, uninstalling and reinstalling the package xserver-xorg-video-vmware might help as suggested in their forums

Friday, January 20, 2012

8:10 PM

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One of the worst ways to make something easier to use is to just claim it is easy to use. Not living to expectations sucks. Just getting rid of the manual and/or help files doesn't automatically make the product easier to use.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

On EULAs and terms of service

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How unreadable and complex EULAs (End User Licence Agreements) and terms of service have become, that when just clicking on the Accept button without actually reading the text, the user is prompted to 'scroll to the bottom' of the text, instead of actually reading it.